Wednesday, October 2, 2013

NEW Video - "Pitfalls of Plank: Part 1"

As part of our ongoing YouTube video series for the Warrior 60-Day Plank Challenge (which began this week and runs until Thanksgiving - there's still time to sign up and get involved!), today we bring you a "how-to" video covering a few of the most common "plank pitfalls", seen rampantly in yoga classes and workout facilities the world over.

These "pitfalls" and mis-alignments are most commonly caused by a variety of factors - typically either misinformation, overcompensation (or "muscling") through the difficulty of the pose by attempting to over-effort, or most likely, under-performing muscles due to weaknesses found in the deepest muscles of the core (abdominals, obliques, and lower back). But have no fear! Almost all of these common "plank pitfalls" are easily fixed with but a few minor adjustments. Check out the video to see if you may be guilty of some of these yourself, and how best to go about fixing them! Aren't sure? Have a friend or teacher check your form, or try your plank out in front of a mirror.

Better yet, get a picture of yourself planking (maybe even somewhere cool/silly/fun!) and join in on all the planking photo fun, by posting it to our Warrior Power Yoga facebook wall! Make sure to tag yourself - the challenge participant with the most "plank" photos will get a special prize at the end! ;-)

Most importantly, if find that you do fall into one or two (or three, or four...) of these common "plank pitfalls" on occasion, don't get frustrated or give up. Keep working at it! Over time, as you build your strength (both physically and mentally!), you will find your planks becoming easier, more natural feeling, and more comfortable to hold for longer periods of time. :-) And have fun with it! Know that you are doing amazingly awesome things for your body, for your mind, and for your current and future self!

Because when it comes down to it, this plank challenge isn't really ultimately about that 3-minute end goal, after all... it's about what you learn on your way getting there that counts the most. <3

Happy planking, all! Namaste.

(**Still haven't signed up yet?? What are you waiting for? RSVP to our Facebook Event page, or email to get involved and start planking today!)

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