Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Help WPY get a $250,000 Small Business Grant!!

Do you love Warrior Power Yoga, but wish there was more space to get your flow on? Or do you find yourself unable to leave the house to get to yoga, because the kids have no sitter? Do you want to see more class times, options, and instructor variety on the schedule, and more free community yoga classes and special events?

Then head over to the Chase Mission Main Street page and VOTE for Warrior Power Yoga to receive a $250,000 Small Business Grant! We only have until November 15th (10 more days!!) to get 250 votes from our community members to nominate us as recipients, just to be considered. Every single vote counts, so get the word out to your friends and families that Warrior Power Yoga needs your help!

Still curious what we could actually DO with so much funding?? Here's a little insight...

--- (About our business and our impact)
At Warrior Power Yoga, we have chosen to respond to the declining health, growing waistlines, stress and chronic disease in our local communities by welcoming people from every walk of life to learn yoga as a way of improving their health in a concrete, immediate way. By focusing on teaching our students to take their yoga "off the mat" by applying the healthy tools we practice on the mat to their whole day, and into their lives, we have become a truly holistic, homegrown wellness community.

--- (How we currently work towards making an impact in the community)
We know that physical health and mental health are intricately linked, and as such, we are committed to being a positive source for change by holding ourselves accountable to improve the health and strength of everyone in our local community. By holding special fundraiser classes to provide food for homeless school children and their families, to offering free yoga for veterans, and discounted classes for teachers and military, we believe yoga should be available to all, and used to help others.

--- (How we would use the $250k grant to increase our impact)
This grant would enable us to expand our community outreach programs, bringing free yoga into our local schools, juvenile detention centers, and VA hospitals, along with a special training program designed to equip teenage mentors to reach at-risk youth with yoga, becoming positive role models of health and community contribution. Our outreach programs will help ensure community connectedness, and further increase awareness and visibility of our studio as a safe, welcoming space for everyone.

--- (About our staff at Warrior Power Yoga)
Our diverse, multi-talented staff brings wisdom & perspective from different backgrounds, helping to strengthen, promote, and unite our business. We have expertise in yoga studies, anatomy & physiology, exercise science & preventative health, positioning our studio and staff as knowledgeable, trusted experts in our field. Our passionate team contributes greatly to our business with skills in graphic design, social networking & marketing, photography & videography, even woodworking & engineering.

So jump on board, get your vote in - it only takes 2 seconds - and share with friends and family to help spread the word, and help grow our amazing yoga community into something even greater! :-)

Love and namaste,

Your WPY team :-)

Monday, October 14, 2013

NEW VIDEO: Progression to the 3-Minute Plank!

So you've decided you're ready to jump in and get started on our WARRIOR PLANK CHALLENGE, or perhaps you've already signed up but you still feel a little lost and unsure how you'll ever make it to 3 full minutes?? This video covers the most basic way to start your plank, and as you start to feel stronger, it shows the various progressions that you can move on to from there! Eventually, you'll feel so strong, stable, and confident in your plank, you may even be ready to try out a couple of the super fun variations we show, like Partner Yoga Planks! Just think progression... a little bit, every day, every time. Learn to work with your own body weight and gravity to create strength, balance, equanimity, and total-body warrior power!

And remember... to COMPLETE the Challenge, you must complete at LEAST 20 CLASSES by the November 28th deadline (which can easily be done by attending 2 classes per week!) - and don't forget to keep posting all of your awesome plank/side plank photos to our Facebook Wall! We love how creative you guys have been so far with all the fun places you've found to do your planks!

Good luck, and happy planking! :-)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

NEW VIDEO!! Side Plank & Variations

So you've tackled the plank already, and you're feeling stronger and more powerful than ever before... What's next? SIDE PLANK, of course!!

Side Plank offers a wide variety of options and variations on the traditional plank, and creates an extra level of challenge with the addition of BALANCE. The deepest muscles of the core, including the internal and external obliques (those corset-like, "hourglass shape" muscles), as well as strong activation of the muscles in the shoulder girdle and upper back, are required to help maintain stability in this pose. In fact, whereas holding the traditional Plank relies mainly upon the development of overall core strength, the Side Plank not only requires this strength in the core and upper body, but adds an element of balance and calm.

Even if you've never performed a Side Plank before, there are modifications you can try out (bottom knee down, for example) to get started! Once you're there, play around with your GAZE... looking down will help you maintain your balance initially, while directing your gaze upward will absolutely add extra challenge to avoid tipping over. From there, the sky's the limit!

Try out some of these fun variations, and maybe you'll discover a new favorite pose!! Side Plank is also great preparation to move on to more advanced Arm Balances and Inversions (many of which we will cover here on the blog and in future videos soon!), should you have any interest in playing around with those at any point ;-)

Break some barriers, bust out of your comfort zone, and try the Side Plank!! Your body (and your mind!) will be glad you did!

Namaste <3

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

NEW VIDEO!! "Pitfalls of Plank: Part 3"

Hope you didn't think we were done just yet with all of our Plank Challenge how-to video awesomeness!! Here's our newest, freshest, and hands-down our most fun video yet in the "Pitfalls of Plank" series.

Here, we cover even more of the most commonly-seen mis-alignments and compensations that occur with plank pose, some of which, if ignored, may over time cause significant injury, especially to the shoulder joints. The best, easiest, and safest way to avoid causing any future injury is to keep in mind the main adjustment themes you may have already noticed popping up time and again in our how-to video series: stack the joints, power in the legs, align the hips and shoulders, and press away from the earth to resist gravity. By keeping these helpful tips in mind as you continue practicing your plank, you will build a strong, stable, and healthy foundation - perfect for building upon as you gradually add more and more time to your plank hold. ;-)

Be sure to check it out, have a laugh (we are still giggling over the "angry face" segment), and stay up-to-date with all our newest plank challenge updates and inspirations by checking back regularly, both here at the blog, and on our main facebook page.

And don't forget to keep posting your plank photos to our facebook wall!! We have been blown away by all the fun, unique places you guys have already found to practice your plank skills! Keep them coming!

Hope everyone's challenge is coming along great so far! 52 days left to go, and counting... ;-)


Saturday, October 5, 2013

NEW VIDEO!! "Pitfalls of Plank: Part 2"

This weekend, as part of our ongoing YouTube video series for the Warrior 60-Day Plank Challenge, we bring you the 2nd part of our "how-to" video series covering a few of the most common "plank pitfalls" that you may encounter when working on building your strength to hold a longer, more stable plank pose.

Think you may be guilty of one or more of these "pitfalls" yourself? The great news is, almost all of these common "plank pitfalls" are easily fixed with just a few minor adjustments, and of course, building up your strength and stamina over time as you practice. Check out the video to see these pitfalls in action, and learn how to master them! Aren't sure? Have a friend or teacher check your form, or try your plank out in front of a mirror.

And don't forget! Be sure to get a picture of yourself planking (maybe somewhere cool/silly/fun!) and join in on all the planking photo fun, by posting it to our Warrior Power Yoga facebook wall! Don't forget to tag yourself - the challenge participant with the most "plank" photos will win a special prize at the end of the challenge! ;-)

Most importantly, keep working at it! Plank is a deceptively challenging pose, and holding a plank for 3 whole minutes (!!) is no easy feat! It requires the use of nearly every muscle in your body, all working together in synergy, while tapping deep into the muscles of your core, and at the same time also requiring a sense of ease and calm as you try to relax within the pose and maintain your breath. Those dual qualities of both effort, and ease, can make this pose one of the most powerful in your practice - over time, as you build your strength (both physically and mentally!), you will find your planks becoming easier, more natural feeling, and more comfortable to hold for longer periods of time.

You may even discover that, whenever you're in need of a quick confidence boost or energy pick-me-up, plank could become your go-to "power pose" - serving as an awesome reminder of just how powerful you truly are, both inside and out! Equanimity in action, no matter where you are!

Above all, remember... this plank challenge is meant to be a fun way to help you connect to your brightest, best, most powerful, truest self. It isn't really about that 3-minute end goal... it's about what you learn on your way getting there (and who you are when you do get there) that counts the most. <3

Happy planking, all! Namaste.

(**Still haven't signed up yet?? What are you waiting for? RSVP to our Facebook Event page, or emailwarriorpoweryoga@gmail.com to get involved and start planking today!)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

NEW Video - "Pitfalls of Plank: Part 1"

As part of our ongoing YouTube video series for the Warrior 60-Day Plank Challenge (which began this week and runs until Thanksgiving - there's still time to sign up and get involved!), today we bring you a "how-to" video covering a few of the most common "plank pitfalls", seen rampantly in yoga classes and workout facilities the world over.

These "pitfalls" and mis-alignments are most commonly caused by a variety of factors - typically either misinformation, overcompensation (or "muscling") through the difficulty of the pose by attempting to over-effort, or most likely, under-performing muscles due to weaknesses found in the deepest muscles of the core (abdominals, obliques, and lower back). But have no fear! Almost all of these common "plank pitfalls" are easily fixed with but a few minor adjustments. Check out the video to see if you may be guilty of some of these yourself, and how best to go about fixing them! Aren't sure? Have a friend or teacher check your form, or try your plank out in front of a mirror.

Better yet, get a picture of yourself planking (maybe even somewhere cool/silly/fun!) and join in on all the planking photo fun, by posting it to our Warrior Power Yoga facebook wall! Make sure to tag yourself - the challenge participant with the most "plank" photos will get a special prize at the end! ;-)

Most importantly, if find that you do fall into one or two (or three, or four...) of these common "plank pitfalls" on occasion, don't get frustrated or give up. Keep working at it! Over time, as you build your strength (both physically and mentally!), you will find your planks becoming easier, more natural feeling, and more comfortable to hold for longer periods of time. :-) And have fun with it! Know that you are doing amazingly awesome things for your body, for your mind, and for your current and future self!

Because when it comes down to it, this plank challenge isn't really ultimately about that 3-minute end goal, after all... it's about what you learn on your way getting there that counts the most. <3

Happy planking, all! Namaste.

(**Still haven't signed up yet?? What are you waiting for? RSVP to our Facebook Event page, or email warriorpoweryoga@gmail.com to get involved and start planking today!)

Monday, September 30, 2013


Want to participate in our Warrior 60-Day 3-Minute Plank Challenge, but not sure how to get started?? We're here to help!!

No matter where you are, there are TWO ways to get involved, to start working towards building a stronger, healthier, more super-powered you, just in time for the holidays...

1. Local Challenge (*challenge finishers will receive a t-shirt/tank for completion!)
2. Online Challenge (participants receive access to free online content, including how-to videos, finisher badge, community participation, support, & encouragement)


1. Make sure you're signed up via our facebook event page, or by emailing warriorpoweryoga@gmail.com
2. LOCAL CHALLENGERS: Get active!! **Must attend at least 3 classes in studio per challenge week OR accumulate at least 20 total class visits (any class counts) from start date, through challenge completion, to qualify for finisher tank/t-shirt. *note: you must be officially signed up via facebook or email to have your attendance tracked!
3. ALL CHALLENGERS (Local & Online): Start planking!! We've got tons of ways to get involved & find support along your journey to the 3-minute plank...

  • POST photos of yourself planking (in fun places, fun clothes, whatever inspires you!!) to our official   WPY Facebook Wall & be sure to TAG yourself and your friends to stay motivated! *note: there is a special prize for the challenger with the MOST tagged facebook plank photos...
  • COMMENT on our blog posts & YouTube channel videos with updates on how your progress is coming along, or any questions you have along the way!
  • CHECK IN with us (*Local Challengers Only) via Facebook, Yelp, and FourSquare each time you come out to class!! *note: there is a special prize for the challenger with the MOST check-ins by the end of the challenge... 
4. Most importantly, KEEP PLANKING!! Get involved, stick with it, and before you know it, that 3-minute plank (and probably whatever challenges you face off the mat as well!) will feel like no big deal in no time. 

Get started on the path to a healthier, stronger, and calmer you! Stay up-to-date with regular updates from this blog, as well as our official YouTube channel and Facebook page, for how-to videos, along with tricks, tips, daily inspirations, and more, all throughout the challenge, to help keep you motivated and focused! 

And be sure to check out our website to sign up for upcoming special events, workshops, and weekly classes in advance, so you can stay connected and committed in the weeks ahead.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment below, or email warriorpoweryoga@gmail.com :-)

Good luck to all of our challengers, and happy planking!! <3

How-To: Plank!! (Video) ~*Warrior 60-Day Plank Challenge begins TODAY!!*~

In this 1st of our ongoing video series, as part of our Warrior 60-Day Plank Challenge, you will learn proper plank alignment, with variations, as well as how to tap into your deepest abdominal muscles for total body strength and stability.

1. Sign up via our facebook event page, or by emailing warriorpoweryoga@gmail.com
2. Every day from now until Thanksgiving, check in with our BLOG, YouTube Channel, and Facebook Page for how-to videos, instructions, tips, tricks, daily inspirations, and more.
3. GET ACTIVE!! This is a PLANK Challenge, so start planking!! Check this blog for a full breakdown of how to build yourself up slowly, over time, to that 3-minute mark... and as you work your way there, chronicle your progress!
4. POST photos of yourself planking to our Facebook wall, COMMENT on our blog and YouTube channel with how updates on how your progress is coming along, TAG yourself & your friends to stay inspired, and GET INVOLVED <3 Most importantly, keep planking!!

Get started on the path to a healthier, stronger, and calmer YOU! Join our Warrior 60-Day Plank Challenge TODAY - Sign up at the event page and "like" us on www.facebook.com/warriorpoweryoga, or email: warriorpoweryoga@gmail.com to get started.

Stay up-to-date with this blog, as well as our YouTube channel and Facebook page, for more how-to videos, along with tricks, tips, inspirations, and more, all throughout the challenge to help keep you motivated and focused! And be sure to check out our website for more information on upcoming events, class descriptions, and our regular class schedule, so you can stay connected and committed in the weeks ahead.

Good luck, and happy planking!! :-)

Friday, September 27, 2013


We've got tons of exciting things going on this fall over here at Warrior Power Yoga - things are really starting to ramp up, and there's never been a better time to jump in and get involved!!

  • Starting THIS MONDAY - September 30th - is our Inaugural 60-Day WARRIOR Plank Challenge!! Running from September 30th until Thanksgiving, this integrative, interactive, super-powered journey will challenge your body AND your mind... Build total-body strength from the inside out, as well as the tough mental resolve to stay calm and cool under pressure, increasing confidence, energy, and stamina - just in time for the holiday season!! Participants who complete the challenge will receive a "Warrior Plank Challenge" tank-top or t-shirt, as well as a One-Week Guest Pass for a friend. :-) Email warriorpoweryoga@gmail.com to sign up today, and then stay up to date throughout the challenge via our facebook page & this blog for tips, tricks, inspiration, how-to videos, and more!!

  • We will also be holding ~*FREE ZOMBIE YOGA*~ on Saturday, October 5th, from 5:00pm-5:45pm, as part of the Audubon Park Garden District's 5th Annual Zombietoberfest!! Feel free to come dressed in your scariest, silliest, or most ghoulish zombie (or vampire/werewolf/ghost/etc) costume, or choose to wear your most festive pair of yoga pants... this class is open to ALL ages and experience levels, and promises to bring whole new meaning to "Corpse Pose"...

  • Interested in helping the environment, animal welfare, community-building, organic foods, or living a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle?? Then come check out the Central Florida Veg Fest at Festival Park, on Saturday, October 26th, from 10:00am - 6:00pm... Warrior Power Yoga is sponsoring the Mind-Body-Spirit area of the event, and we will be holding ~*FREE YOGA*~ throughout the day!! Many of our talented instructors will be on hand, teaching a variety of styles for all ages and experience levels, and mats will be provided if you don't have your own. It's the perfect way to spend a fall afternoon!! Check back here soon for a full event schedule with class times & instructors. :-)

And be sure to SAVE THE DATE for our upcoming awesome Holiday Special Events... 
  • Thanksgiving Day Food Drive: Thursday, November 28th, 9:00am... 75-minute Power Gratitude Flow... $10 minimum donation + 2 cans non-perishable, kid-friendly foods, to support local homeless kids & families.
  • Winter Solstice 108 Sun Salutes Fundraiser: Saturday, December 21st, 4:00pm-6:00pm... 2 Hours of sweaty, detoxifying moving meditation, to reset our energies for the coming new year. $20 suggested donation supports local homeless kids & families from local area elementary schools.
Finally, our NEW CLASS SCHEDULE goes out October 1st, so be sure to check www.warriorpy.com to stay up-to-date with all the newly-added classes, times, and instructors :-)

Love, light, and namaste. <3

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Warrior One Power Yoga - NOW OPEN!!

Warrior One Power Yoga, located at 2822 Corrine Drive in the beautiful 
Audubon Park Garden District of Orlando, Florida, 
is NOW OPEN!!!

Convenient to Downtown Orlando, Winter Park, Baldwin Park, and more, Warrior One Power Yoga offers classes to help you sweat, strengthen, de-stress, and reveal the very best version of yourself every single day. 

Jump in, be inspired, shine bright!

We offer HOT yoga as well as NOT HOT yoga! Lots of classes from Warm Power Yoga, to Flow Yoga, Yin Yoga & Restorative Yoga and Yoga Basics, to additional unique offerings such as Yoga Sculpt with weights, Hot Power Core Yoga, Cardio/Yoga Fusion, Barefoot Zumba, and more!

We are located in the amazing Audubon Park Garden District, "a unique and funky neighborhood just north of downtown Orlando." We offer nearly 40 classes per week, so you can find your very best self EACH day. 

We specialize in POWERFUL, SWEATY, INSPIRING power yoga in the style of Baron Baptiste Power Yoga. Classes are challenging, yet accessible. All classes include varying degrees of the yoga elements of asana (physical postures), pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation (mindfulness practice). Options and modifications are always encouraged to help each person at their healthiest edge.

All classes are suitable for all levels, but read the class descriptions to give you an idea of which class will help you find greater health and happiness today. If you have a special health concern, please arrive early to discuss with our experienced instructors.

Visit www.warriorpy.com for full class schedule! Check out class descriptions, instructor bios, upcoming workshops & events, and more!

STRONG. FLEXIBLE. PEACEFUL...in body, in mind, in life.